Disability visibility : first-person stories from the Twenty-first century

Title Disability visibility : first-person stories from the Twenty-first century
Names Wong, Alice.
Book Number BR023377
Title Status Active
Medium Braille
Annotation A collection of first-person writings on the joys and challenges of life in the twenty-first century with a disability. Includes pieces from activists, authors, lawyers, politicians, artists, and others to glimpse the complexity of the disabled experience in America. Some strong language. 2020.
Local Subject Social sciences - Social groups - 305
Social sciences - 300
Sociology - SOC
Adult Book - AD
Adult Non-Fiction - AN
Audience Notes A collection of first-person writings on the joys and challenges of life in the twenty-first century with a disability. Includes pieces from activists, authors, lawyers, politicians, artists, and others to glimpse the complexity of the disabled experience in America. Some strong language. 2020.
LC Subject People with disabilities - United States - Biography
People with disabilities - United States - Social conditions
Braille books
Downloadable books
Call Number 305.908092273 ANF
Language English
Released 2020
Publication Info Washington, D.C. : Vintage Books, a division of Penguin Random House LLC 2020 (American Printing House for the Blind, transcribing agency)
Original Publication Transcription of: New York : Vintage Books, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, 2020. 9781984899439
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